We Remote into your computer in one of two ways

01If you know how to download a file and go to your downloads and open it up, Please download the TeamViewer

Please click on the below button in order to download and setup Team viewer on your computer.  Please check our reviews first so you can be sure of reputation first.

Once you download the file – all you have to do is Open it and supply the session code or ID and password that it provides on the screen after accept the license agreement as shown in this animation.

02If your unsure how to download a file we can use a built in program that comes with windows.  Simply click on the start button as shown in the animation below – and then type in QUICK – and then you should see Quick Assist come up.  It has two blue monitors.

03If you can’t find Quick assist on your computer it may not be installed.  This requires a few extra steps as we need to download the Quick assist app from the Microsoft Store and then once we have it do the instructions in the animation above.